The PEPESEC website is now a Legacy website as the project finished in June 2010. Information about the project has been changed to reflect this.

In addition, we have simplified the way to find your way round the site through the creation of a “Best Practice” section which is in itself separated into the various countries involved in the project.

Here you can find all the relevant information from each country – including some common resources, such as Best Practice guide, and links to the G.R.I.P. tool, as well as country specific case studies, summaries of PEPESEC activities in partner languages and information about the Energy Plans conducted in each country.

The project is now closed. However you can contact the project lead, Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), part of Manchester City Council, at the following email:

The PEPESEC project came to an end in June 2010, following 30 months of collaborative energy planning between the partners.
The legacy of PEPESEC includes a range of resources and we recommend that you have a look around the site if you have any interest in energy planning within municipalities.
A new, easier-to-read version of the PEPESEC [...]

Categories : Uncategorized

You are invited to attend a workshop and seminar on Energy Planning for Smart Cities – Wednesday 2nd June, Eurocities building, Brussels. Free Event
Cities are key to how our urban economies respond to the challenges of climate change. As places where we live, work, and visit they are the central hubs for much human [...]

Categories : Uncategorized

The new PEPESEC newsletter includes stories about our partners involvement in the Copenhegan Conference, Manchester City Council’s launch of their Climate Change Action Plan and examples of how the PEPESEC partners have been engaging with local stakeholders.
Download the PEPESEC Newsletter – Jan 2010 (PDF)

Categories : Home Page Items, News

The January 2009 Newsletter is now available. Read about the launch of the Energy Planning Knowledge Bank, the economic case for Energy Planning and the success of the study tour visits.
Download the PEPESEC Newsletter – Jan 09 (PDF)

Categories : Home Page Items, News

The Northwest Regional Development Agency has announced a consultaton for the Energy and Environmental Technologies sector, aimed at companies in the NW of England working in this area.
“The Energy and Environmental Technologies sector, recently renamed by BIS to the Low Carbon Goods and Services Sector is one of the region’s priority sectors.

Categories : News

Over 2 days in April 2009 PEPESEC project partners visited the city-region of Katowice, Poland, to view practical examples of sustainable energy projects in the municipality of Katowice.

Over 2 days in October 2008 PEPESEC project partners visited the city of Murcia to gain an appreciation of the local energy planning context and to view practical examples of sustainable energy plan, projects and initiatives in the municipality of Murcia

Over 3 days in May 2009 PEPESEC project partners visited the city of Genoa to gain an appreciation of the national and local energy planning  context and to view practical examples of sustainable energy projects.

Over three days in March 2009 PEPESEC project partners visited the city of Amaroussion in order to gain an understanding of the national and local energy planning context and to view practical examples of sustainable energy projects in the municipality of Amaroussion as well as in the broader region of Attica. A number of infrastructures [...]

Over 2 and a half days in April 2008 PEPESEC project partners visited Malmö in South Sweden to hold the first project meeting and the first study visit within the project. The focus of the meeting was to get an introduction to energy planning – the Swedish way, and to look at sustainable urban development [...]

Over 2 days in June 2008 PEPESEC project partners visited the city-region of Greater Manchester to gain an appreciation of the national and local energy planning context and to view practical examples of sustainable energy projects in the municipalities of Manchester and Oldham.

The Urban Community of Nantes (Nantes Métropole) is a young local administration, constituted in 2001, which groups 24 municipalities surrounding the city of Nantes. Among others, it has the responsibility for coordination, implementation and monitoring of climate change and energy policies. Nantes Métropole has been undertaking energy planning since the early 90’s, when it first [...]

The City of Helsinki has acquired throughout the years great expertise in energy planning. Already in 1974, the city administration created the Energy Savings Board. This public body is responsible for coordinating, supervising and steering the energy savings projects and initiatives developed in different city departments.
This case study looks in depth at energy planning in [...]

The website has been re-launched this week to track case studies of ICT-enabled low carbon solutions. Last year, The Climate Group, GeSI (Global e-sustainability Initiative) and McKinsey produced the SMART 2020 report which identified 7.8 Gt CO2e carbon emissions abatement potential by 2020 through ICT-enabled energy efficiency and dematerialization, or 15% [...]

Categories : News

Partnership Energy Planning as a tool for realising European Sustainable Energy Communities

Contract No: EIE-07-179-S12.466281

Partner Resources

  • Huddle


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